
The digital world that we know today has been shaped by the tech, media, and telecommunications industries, who created the platforms and solutions that we use on a daily basis. In the rise of digital native entreprises, telco carriers, have taken a pivotal role by providing the so-needed connectivity.

However, many of these telcos haven’t been quick to adopt new technologies, especially true when it comes to the identity and communication applications and offering. Currently these are relics from another time. As consumer behavior shifts towards online-first interactions, there is growing demand for comprehensive and dynamic data to promote trust, foster inclusivity, and secure transactions. Telecommunication also needs to catch up quickly on a fast pace environment, leaving them often behind in term of new technology adoption outside of their traditional wavelength and broadband products.

We acknowledge that identity plays a vital role in every interaction between individuals, companies, and devices. As today's telecommunications companies aim to create memorable and trustworthy customer experiences, the identity layer is essential to their ability to serve their audiences at scale.

“With great power comes great responsibility” (sic. Uncle Ben). Successful collaboration necessitates a top-down approach that aligns the organization's goals while eliminating silos both in data and organization.

Our team collaborates with leading telcos organizations to address their challenges faced by today's platforms, including privacy by design, content moderation, mobile identity, device intelligence, regulatory compliance, and seamless user onboarding. We also educate on how to make Mobile Identity adopted and profitable at scale.

