eCommerce Frauds.

Oofty support eCommerce platforms in their day-to-day struggle against frauds by identifying them quickly and finding mitigations with the safest and most cost-effective tools available or by building new fraud detection systems

  • Payment fraud: This involves the use of stolen or fake credit card information to make fraudulent purchases.

  • Account takeover: This involves unauthorized access to an existing account, often through the use of stolen login credentials.

  • Account creation fraud: This involves creating fake accounts using fake or stolen personal information.

  • Return fraud: This involves making a purchase with the intention of returning the item for a refund, often using a fake or stolen identity.

  • Affiliate fraud: This involves fraudulent activities committed by affiliates, such as click fraud, lead fraud, and conversion fraud.

  • Friending fraud: This happens when a fraudster pretends to be a legitimate customer and convinces a merchant to allow an order to be shipped to an alternate address.

  • Scraping fraud: This happens when a fraudster uses automated software to scrape a merchant's website and steal credit card information.

  • Chargeback fraud: This happens when a fraudster disputes a legitimate charge to his or her credit card




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